Aeu Technical and Industrial Vocational High-School

The project has 32000m2 construction area and located on 22000m2 site near an olive grove.
Sloped site, existing olive grove is considered as improtant factors for positioning the building mass and organizing spaces. For this reason, the building is tilted to the border of the olive grove in order not to damage existing green area. Building mass has a stepped organization for providing harmony between sloped terrain and building.. Green roof of the school provides continuity of existing green area and acts as a seperator between education spaces located on basement floors and dormitories located on upper floors. Dormitories are directed towards olive grove.

Building is designed as an introverted building because of underdeveloped context. Seperated building blocks containing different programs are connected via series of transparent galleries which can be considered as social arteries. Gallery presents an active life similar to an urban square which connects conference hall and sports hall on basement floor and it connects conference hall, canteen, workhops, classrooms on entrance floor.

Contemporary education understanding aims to improve creativity, personal skills and social skills. As a result, AEU Technical and Industrial Vocational High School has been designed as a flexible,and transparent building that strengthens interaction between students .Use of vivid colours for interior spaces and angled forms increase visual richness. Corridors and bridges inside the building act like urban streets which enable users to experience exterior courtyards and interior galleries while walking on them.
Aim of accelerating construction stage affected decisions such as structural system, minimizing material variety and not applying wall and ceiling cover layers. Structural, mechanical, and electriacal systems are exposed to users because of being a technical school. AEU Technical and Industrial Vocational High School has won BREEAM Certificate because of its sustainable characteristics.