Fiberline Composites

A hillside of fiberglass: Combined headquarters and production facilities built for Fiberline – Danish producer of fiberglass.
Land Art: Like so many conventional production facilities, the building runs along a major highway. But instead of being a typical production-box randomly dropped into the landscape, the building is conceived as an artificial hillside laid out in careful interaction with the surroundings. The building as such, is a piece of Land Art that grows out of the landscape and points its curved backside at the sky above.

Three skylight-bands: The hillside building is cut through by three stripes of light. Running across the length of the building, these three skylight-bands supply the interior with a great measure of natural light. The bands run from east to west and towards the highway each band is elongated from the main building into three glass oriels housing the meeting facilities.
One big room for all purposes: The building itself is thought of as one big room wherein all activities take place. In practice, this means that production is carried out on the ground level and the administration areas are placed as structural floors protruding from the eastern facade. The administration area is physically dismantled from production by a huge wall of glass thus obtaining a subtle division that still allows room for the vision of ‘one big room for all purposes’.

Fiberglass on the inside and the outside: As a finishing touch, the 330 metre long and 20 metre high eastern facade is clad in a translucent shell of fiberglass. Using fiberglass as a building material in construction work of this scale is a pioneering experiment - and there is a deeper meaning behind the material choice. Fiberline produces fiberglass, and have produced the fiberglass coating for the building themselves. The result is an innovative building that projects identity by creating a synergy between production and the wrapping, between the work done inside the structure and the structure itself.
Square metres: 23.000.