Business Building and ULO Cold-Storage Plant Rudnap Agrar
Business - storage facility Rudnap agriculture in the municipality Irig serving 500 ha under apples. In 2011 realized the first stage of the project area of 7,500 square meters, consisting of administration, facilities for sorting, packaging and distribution of fruits and refrigerated warehouses. Horizontal stretching of the facility follows the dominant character of the ground, as well as the spatial requirements of technological processes.
Having the technological process and functionality in view, the constitutive architectural elements and the elements of equipment equally take part in forming the facility character. Such treatment makes the facility grow into a kind of spatial multitude. The envelope, which integrates the entity, makes a contrast with the elements, which reflect the structure of interior space. The level of envelope is the point of overlapping of the spatial context represented by horizontality, form, colouring and technology, opening up, materials and technological elements. The area and area contour are the reduced tool of the minimal articulation of the facility corpus. Binary opposites of the solid and void (vague) assign the final characteristics to the facility. The possibility of the large form remaining unique without decomposition of morphological continuity into a sequence of individual parts.
The membrane takes over the general characteristics of the monoform as a form of urban condition of the facility and technological envelope. General procedure of form articulation is the study of the condition of the form as some kind of facility binary coding - the condition which could be described, as much as the architectural frames permit, as the condition of the form sign of the facility boundary.
Construction of the building is a reinforced concrete skeleton structure with additional prefabricated steel structural elements. The facade is made from sandwich panels made of steel sheets coated with a filling made of rock wool.