Urban Pockets of Belgrade
The project Uban pockets of Belgrade is dealing with decayed urban spaces which by undergoing appropriate interventions are contributing to improve the quality of everyday life of the inhabitants. The project is addressing the ecological and social awareness of the citizens and inviting locals to participate in the design.
Urban pocket A Room with the View in Baba Visnja Street, occupies an area of approximately 1 000 m2. The project includes following areas: active recreation zone with fitness equipment, peaceful resting zone with sitting equipment and the main gathering area with the multifunctional sculpture. Sculpture gives a visual identity to this site, which became a new place and interesting city landmark. Now this space creates a strong impression on the observers. The old place is seen in a new and interesting way, and creates a connection between places, people and events from their lives.
The design is inspired by the structure of the municipality of Vracar in Belgrade, Serbia. This municipality has very little green space, so when the inhabitants of this part of town look out of their windows, they can see a typical, monotonous cityscape. Part of previously existing vegetation was preserved and new plants are added. This projects intervention symbolically enabled a slightly different experience of public space, creating a room with the different view. The main idea is that people should recognize green spaces as a culture of living and apply behaviour that they have in their homes at the open public space, since it is also a part of their lives.
The focal point in space is the sculpture A Room with the view, designed for sitting and resting. The sculpture is made of steel structure and sitting part is made of fir-wood beams. Its construction is complemented with metal silhouettes of birds whose colour and shape express the symbols of freedom and movement in public space. Pavements are made of behaton elements and natural stone. Fitness equipment and urban mobiliar are discreet and a standardized. New space is suited to the needs of users.
Emphasis is on social and environmental aspects of sustainability, which has influenced on increase of the level of public environmental awareness and convergence of contemporary art to the general public.