Apartment building in Xhezmi Delli
The apartment building in Xezhmy Delli in Tirana contains 28 dwellings for a total area of 3.500 sqm. The area where it rises lacks any clear order: gardens and low buildings from the 50s mixed with recent apartment blocks. The building we propose does not suggest any transformation of the place into a crowded, intense, metropolitan area; it simply contains the required volume, somehow suggesting not to go on with interventions in this area.
Its appearance is voluntarily unfamiliar, almost rude, it does not hide its excessive mass. The building is the product of this singular condition: banal regarding technologies, bizarre regarding volume, surprisingly generous regarding space. It is a prism aggresively excavated in order to match with building regulations, almost a cast that crystallize in the city the abstract rules of its legal apparatus, discovering how alien these rules are inside of the concrete body of the city. The stubborn digging process produces an archaic, alien figure, that becomes sweeter only where it is in direct contact with the city.