Tekfen Kagithane Offices

Kagithane region, which was one of the former industrial areas in ?stanbul, is going through an immense transformation process. Tekfen Group, client of Kagithane Ofispark as well as the owner of Tekfen Tower which is a typical example of the generic office towers, has foreseen the potential in the region. The existing structural and sociological patterns, the ambitions that are triggerred by the transformation potentials and the expectations of the investment group are intertwined realities that puts even more weight on this burden.

The tension that is produced by the burden was the most important criteria in the design of the Office Park Project.
As one of the most critical decisions of the project, the various possibilities of the fragmentation that is the derived from the surrounding building pattern was elaborated rather than the totalitarian approach of the familiar office buildings. It was proposed that this kind of fragmentation would be more enticing as it would provide flexible use opportunities in the management and marketing processes.

Parallelly, this abstraction process was utilized by slenderizing the decisions related to surfaces.The parameters of the mass and void proportions, the effects of the colors and textures, the inside and outside perceptions, the lighting levels and the natural ventilation were criterias for the surface and material choices.
In this phase it was evaluated that, confronting the conventional expectations of the investors with these approaches that are nowhere near the recent generic offices and by this creating common apprehension and admiration platforms, have been a problem that had to be overcome.