Islamic Cultural Centre Cologne

The DITIB mosque is being erected near the center on a highly frequented street-crossing. This cultural center is grouped around a raised plaza which opens up to Venloerstrasse, acce-sible here over a wide public stair. This plaza is not only a public urban area but, through it’s raised position, can also offer visitors a degree of solitude.
A two-story basar is located at street-level filled with shops and a restaurant. At the same level is situated a large conference-room.
Located on the right-hand side of the plaza is the main prayer-hall, flanked by a building for ritual washing as well as areas for women.
At the end of the plaza, central positioned and on axis with the grand stair, is the library. The fountain at the far end of plaza not only invites visitors to explore the depth of the plaza, but is also a religious symbol.
Framing the plaza on the left is an structure which primarily houses offices. Encorperated into this area is also a small museum for islamic art.

The buildings which frame the plaza were erected according to the codes of the existing urban fabric. Height, massing and choice of materials create a homogenous environment. The main prayer-hall however, although built with the same materials, plays—as a solitary within the ensemble, more of a unique public function.
The expressive structure is created by several layers of concrete shells which form a dome in the center. The design lives from the interspersion of interior and exterior, from light and shadow, solid and void. Along the edges of the hall are interconnected mezanine-levels, acces-sible via stairs along the side of the plaza.
All exterior surfaces are unified by the warm, velvety character of the surface of the hammered cast-in-place concrete, forming the structures to a striking ensemble.
