Cluj Arena is a symbolic contemporary landmark, for which we have chosen a mixture of fluid and flowing shapes, a large artificial landscape in constant relation with the winding Somes River and the nearby Central Park.

The most important conceptual element of this project is the transparency allowing visual connections between the outside context and the indoor pool of activities. It also works vice-versa: the visual permeability of the facades keeps the public connected to the park and the hills.
The daytime image of the Arena is enhanced by the complexity of natural daylight conditions along the river. In the evening, the Arena unravels two different images: a soft, warm light embraces the rhythms of structure and facades. Whenever a show enflames the arena, it transforms into the largest lamp of the city, a contemporary lighthouse.

Cluj Arena is a multipurpose stadium built on the footprint of the previous two facilities of the last hundred years on the same spot. The concept is based on contextual integration into the public spaces of the park and green sports axis along the river Somes. The main design driver is the transparency as dissolved boundaries and visual connexions outside in and inside out. The diagonal mirrored symmetry and the articulation of the higher main tribune and lower sections are the result of adaptation to the site limits and to the brief constraints to host 30,000 seats around the athletic track. The fluid forms are responding to the river meander, to the silhouette of the hills and to the movement of people attracted in a ring promenade, offering direct views to the sports ground and to the surroundings.

It is built out of earth with green grass, concrete, steel frame and perforated steel sheets with a chameleonic white-gold coating which reflects the sunlight and the skies. Materials are solid or light and transparent, depending on the distance of the viewer and on the light towards or from within the arena. White meets dark grey in different nuances. The 6 hectares of land, around 55,000 square meters of spaces and a very low budget of 1,200 Euros per seat are quantifying the work. This arena is recycling the space, being highly radial accessible by pedestrians and public transportation and being the same time a “made in Cluj” work by local designers, local contractors, local materials and with a roof worked by alpine climbers of the local club. It is built on local memory of athletes and sportsmen of the university as an icon for the incredible supporters of the sports in Cluj-Napoca, the city of students.