Multipurpose Pavilion

Formally the building is defined by a table where an aluminium box and every necessary equipments to the function of the diferent activities promoted in it s interior will be placed.
The whole image intends to be associated with the naval architecture, existing a relation with the image of the "Gil Eanes" ship.
The multipurpose Pavilion will be a space directed to cultural and sport events.

The main accesses will be situated in the North and South extremities. The service entrances will be made in the other elevations.
It s interior will be ample and permeable, existing the possibility of viewing the sea from the entrance floor.
It is pretended that its transparency will be able to make it as lighter as possible in relation to the other buildings.
All the equipment systems and installations in the project, were dimensioned based on a sustainability choice, using the best location and equipment performance. Particular reference to the external placement of the main equipment to easy maintenance.
The greatest lighting artificial system performance was inserted in the architecture in an harmonic way, by the use of energy-efficient light sources which are comfortable and have good restitution color.

All the equipment has 100% heat recovery, by taking advantage from the rejected heat to the system. The refereed equipment uses low impact refrigerants.
All MEP installations were provided of management technical central system, having as main objectives the command, the control and all the technical installation supervision to ensure the achievement of rational and optimal use of available technical resources and energy in the building.
The building orientation and the location of the natural ventilation and windows, were planned to propose the thermal energy and lightning storage when its benefic (on Winter) and control it when itŽs harmful (on Summer), in conjunction with the natural ventilation systems over more added to the building thermal inertia resulting in a very significant savings in energy consumption.