Restoration of the Martos Mill and Urban Development of the Stadium Bank

The project for the restoration of the Martos mill and Balcón del Guadalquivir in Córdoba constitute an important urban project in the city with a powerful effect on the whole, creating a wide space for parkland on the riverbank, and for the restoration of the Martos mill, the creation of a small hydraulic museum that will centralize the public space serving as a link between the city and the park.
The view point is at the same time a place that, given the turn of the river’s course, will allow the enjoyment of the sights of the outline of the old city where the constructed mass of the mosque-cathedral appears in the centre.
The mill with its new fate as a hydraulic museum allows for the recovery of a decisive piece in the industrial and productive memory of the city. The mill helps understand the link between the city and the land, the constructed medium and the experience of natural surroundings provided by the wide riverbed.
The park of the view point is arranged as lineal terracing which from the upper height of the Compositor Rafael Castro avenue descends to the bank of the river channel.This first fan is centred on the hermitage, the second serves to organise the entrances to the park through three connecting ponds going down to the river, and which bring the experience of the proximity of the water to the upper height of the Avenida. There are some bridges arranged between these layers of water on the inclined levels where the water flows from one pond to another. The third fan opens out into the extensive green and treed area and leads to the different points of contact.