Teruel Urban Development

The project consists of reforming the access from the railway station to the Paseo del Ovalo, an historic promenade built on the site of the city walls. This promenade is one of the many sensitive monuments in this world heritage city. The immediate environment leading to the promenade has been improved with the addition of planting, street furniture and upgrading the quality of finishes and providing additional lighting.
Passengers choosing not to climb the ornate neo-Mudéjar style stairway leading to the Paseo proceed along a defined pathway through a hard landscape, to a tall new cavity inserted into the city wall. This constricts to a tighter opening within the depth of the walls and leads to the elevator lobby, which is top-lit via the glazed elevator shaft which pierces through to the upper level.
A sensitive approach meant that new materials could be absorbed without destroying the original qualities of the monument.