Hotel Lone
Site (m2): 22157
Size (m2): 29476
Hotel Lone, the first design hotel in Croatia, is situated in a unique and protected region of Monte Mulini forest in Rovinj. It was created by a team of architects, artists, product, fashion and graphic designers. The hotels identity is defined by façades dominant horizontal lines terraces evoking the image of slanted boat decks. The interiors and the furniture were designed for the hotel in order to achieve a recognizable identity.
The Y shaped ground plan enabled a rational and functional organizational scheme; quality views from all rooms and the grouping of public facilities around a vertical lobby that connects common spaces on all levels, creating a central volume of impressive height. Surrounding landscape is the hotels signature visual element which also defines all views of the interior. The ambient light and Mediterranean greenery reflects on the glossy surfaces in public areas and on the mirrored panels in the rooms, pulling them deeply into the interior and intensifying the effect of the surrounding plants.
The conceptual assumptions used in the design of the hotel and its interior show evidence of a deep respect towards the achievements of modernist hotel architecture on the Adriatic Coast from the previous century, combining it with a strong conteporarity expressed in materials, functions, typologies and in architectural forms. The buildings compact form gives it a favorable form factor and a minimal loss of heat through the surface area. Energy use for cooling is minimized with reduced solar heat gains through the main elements of the facade deep eaves formed by continuous parapet balconies. Optimal air-conditioning was achieved by implementing air to air heat pumps with low noise units, small required installation space and, thanks to high energy efficiency of inverter driven compressors, minimizing running costs and CO2 emission.