Multifunctional complex A.Juozapavičiaus str.13

A.Juozapaviciaus 13 site regeneration in the former Kaunas fortress infantry garrison camp of Zemieji Sanciai.

After Russian Tzar Alexander the 2nd officially appointed Lithuania city of Kaunas as a first class military post in 1879, several military campuses were built there. A military base of Zemieji Sanciai (Kaunas), built in 1886-1896 (military engineer N.Skliarskis ) was the biggest of its kind in Kaunas. During 10 years, more than 350 buildings of various purposes formed the urban structure and image of then suburb.
During the various periods of war and peace, the military campus was used by different militaries and industries, related with technical servies and production. With a time, many of the original buildings were demolished or reconstructed, damaging their original architecture. At the end of XX c., impressive military barracks were standing empty and derelict, until regeneration processed started slowly some 10 years ago, driven by private business.
A military base of Zemieji Sanciai is 3 km southeast from historical center of Kaunas. The complex was built according rational regular urban blueprint, distributing the building along the main central road (current A.Juozapaviciaus str.).
Military territory of a 0,05km2 were converted to multifunctional complex consists of residential houses, office buildings, school and kindergarten.

The task was to preserve valuable historical urban and architectural solutions of the site, while creating contemporary conditions for the residents, office workers and schoolchildren.

The military barracks, stables, feature impressive red brick architecture of robust symmetric shapes, rich decoration, pitched roofs and ashlar socles. All these characteristics were preserved and exposed while adding contemporary elements, such as corten-clad penthouses, rows of rectangular windows of similar rhythm. New buildings – 2 residential houses and a kindergarten – complete the urban composition, confirming to the prevailing scale, but give away their times by contemporary architectural image and generously used bare concrete.