H_34 Apartments Building in Voula
H_34 Apartments in Voula, Athens.
The ‘H_34 Apartments’ by 314 architecture studio are located in a 700m² plot near the seaside of Voula, Athens. The architecture of the block is influenced by traditional structures of Japan. For instance, characteristics of a pagoda surrounded by a vegetated pond make itself apparent in the building’s overall form, which presents itself as a series of stacked, planar surfaces with vertices jutting out in all directions. This configuration also references contemporary ideas posed by Le Corbusier’s dom-ino house.
Each level is supported by a minimal number of slender columns around its perimeter, permitting the implementation of an open floor plan where designers have the freedom to organize the interior.
An A+ energy class has been created for the residents through the use of bioclimatic concepts and eco technologies such as geothermal heating, solar panels, and rain water collecting systems.