Tondiraba Park

Tondiraba Nature Park

Expanding over 287 hectares, the semi-natural park forms an important link in the spinal cord of the biggest district in Tallinn, Lasnamäe. The main ide of the landscape architecture was to retain the unique wasteland-like but diverse nature - somewhat wild and weary but a spontaneous and obstinate environment highly characteristic of Lasnamäe. On the one hand it is an attempt to to retain and also exhibit the existing qualities, but only delicately without disturbing the natural balance. On the other hand, parks are also meant for people who have been attracted to the area with various possibilities to spend time in fresh air and get to know the natural scenery. There are outdoor gyms, martial art ś facilities ´, traffic park, playgrounds, dog parks, pumptrack, skatepark, beach volley ball courts and ice rink, and also numerous paths in the forest. Forest paths are largely covered with wood chips collected from the felling trees during construction while larger trunks were left in the park as deadwood. The rocks dug out and blasted in the playground construction were preserved as playground elements and now serve as basking decks for lizards. The natural course is supported also by large meadow areas. During construction, the ponds were cleaned and the living condition of newts greatly improved.

Connecting nature with urban fabric and citizens of Lasnamäe. Preserving existing wasteland-like nature, bringing out the different layers of natural values. Provide people outdoor activities, increase social sustainability, but also create free-play space, where children can engage with the environment creatively.

Trees, shrubs, meadows, wood, concrete, gravel, steel, EPDM.
