Future Architecture Platform 2019 · Open Call for Ideas
To be eligible as an emerging creative for the Future Architecture Platform, applicants must meet the following criteria:
– The applicant’s independent work(s) related to architecture or city development have been created after graduation and within the last 2 years
– The applicant has publicly presented or published their independent work(s)
– The applicant has not yet attained recognition by having a body of critically recognised work at major and established institutions or publishers
– The applicant has not participated in previous/past Future Architecture Platform activities
– The applicant may be an individual or a collective. One is permitted 1 entry only (as an individual or as a collective).
The open-call is from 15 November 2018 to 7 January 2019.
APPLY NOW at http://futurearchitectureplatform.org/
All applications will be published on the website of the Future Architecture platform. The applications will be judged by the Future Architecture board of members, the Future Architecture alumni, and members of the public by way of online voting.
The Future Architecture Platform is a pan-European exchange and networking platform for architecture. It promotes cooperation between professionals and architectural institutions in order to bring ideas related to the future of cities and architecture to the forefront of the architectural discourse and closer to a wider public. The aim of the platform is to identify and explore new models of creative work that could provide future generations in Europe with a more stable perspective and contribute to a more harmonious development of the European economy, our living environment and society as a whole.