Presentation Catalogue EU Mies Award 2019
Can 383 works of architecture or 446 architecture studios be connected? They might share a geography – Europe –, a common goal – quality –, and a timing – finished in 2017 or 2018 –, but they also have many specificities and attitudes which differ. The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award, biennially brings together an important group of works, studios, clients and territories that share a passion for architecture. The challenge of the jury is to point out what these works say about Europe and architecture. Following the discussions of the jury, this publication presents the 383 works nominated by 41 national architecture associations, 76 independent experts and the 15 institutions of the Advisory Committee. Five sections of full-colour pages stand out amidst a sea of monochrome drawings: the winners and finalists bring together the shortlisted works that are linked to them. Together with the introduction texts by the jury members, a set of articles by external critics complements the understanding of these works.
The publication is a guide to travel Europe and enhances the visit to the exhibition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019, the search of the EU Mies Award archive and the use of the EUMiesAward app.