Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA) 2020 breaks ground
The Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA) 2020 will be launched during «Perspectives: Young Architects’ Forum» organised by the Architects' Council of Europe in Barcelona. Stay tuned to know about the new guest countries, deadlines and calendar of events! WATCH THE LIVE STREAM HERE
Kjetil Trædal THORSEN, Snøhetta Founding Partner, will be the keynote speaker.
Architecture remains a very attractive profession for the younger generations. According to the latest ACE Sector Study, the number of architects in Europe is steadily growing and the profession is today relatively young: 30% of architects in Europe are aged under 40 and 15% have 5 years or less experience.
In a context of highly competitive markets, where business and professional practices are changing rapidly, young architects and architectural practices face many challenges and issues: getting work, participating in public procurement and design competitions, experiencing new forms of collaboration and new business models, working in other EU countries, exporting services internationally, continuing professional development, etc.
This public conference will be held at the Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) in Barcelona, Spain. It will bring together 12 young European architects (aged under 40) who will:
- Explain how they perceive the practice of the profession today (risks, opportunities, challenges, difficulties);
- Share experiences, good practice and innovative solutions for the creation and running of an architectural office and the practice of the profession;
- Present their visions/ expectations/ desires for the future of the profession;
- Express what they expect from the European Union to support the practice of the profession and achieve quality in the built environment.