Exhibition of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019 in Leuven, Belgium
The traveling exhibition of the EU Mies Award 2019 shows the strongest work by European architects as a measure of the current European architecture scene to enhance discussions about designing and building today in Europe.
Date: January 24 to Sun March 22, 2020
Place: University Library / Mgr. Ladeuzeplein 21 / Leuven (opening times every day 10-17)
organization City and Architecture www.stadenarchitectuur.be
Vernissage with opening debate about social architecture23-3-2020 at 8 pm
University Library Mgr. Ladeuzeplein 21, Leuven
register via www.stadenarchitectuur.be
University Library Mgr. Ladeuzeplein 21, Leuven
register via www.stadenarchitectuur.be
We invite you, together with Stad en Architectuur, to the opening of the exhibition in Leuven and the opening debate on social architecture on January 23 at 8pm. After Brussels, it arrives the EU MiesA ward 2019 traveling exhibition "What's Old What's New", which shows how European architecture currently understands that the new is primarily an added layer to what already exists.
Get to know the panorama of the best recent architecture in Europe with videos, images and models of the selected projects as well as the finalists PC Caritas, Plasencia Auditorium and Congress Center, Skanderbeg square, Terrassenhaus Berlin / Lobe Block and Transformation of 530 dwellings - Grand Parc Bordeaux that was the winning work along with the Montbrun School refectory which received the Emerging Architecture award.
We open with a discussion on how architecture contributes to social well-being by Jo Taillieu, a partner in the Architecten studio by vylder vinck taillieu, author of two of the social works selected by the Award (Kapelleveld Residential Care Center and PC Caritas) and Ann Heylighen, a research professor at KU Leuven, moderated by Robert-Jan de Kort (De Kort Van Schaik).
The exhibition is complemented by other resources available: the App eumiesaward that invites you to discover and visit the works closest to you (available free for Android and iOS), the archive (available on the web), and the catalog that you can find in the exhibition, in the best architecture bookstores or in shopmies
Get to know the panorama of the best recent architecture in Europe with videos, images and models of the selected projects as well as the finalists PC Caritas, Plasencia Auditorium and Congress Center, Skanderbeg square, Terrassenhaus Berlin / Lobe Block and Transformation of 530 dwellings - Grand Parc Bordeaux that was the winning work along with the Montbrun School refectory which received the Emerging Architecture award.
We open with a discussion on how architecture contributes to social well-being by Jo Taillieu, a partner in the Architecten studio by vylder vinck taillieu, author of two of the social works selected by the Award (Kapelleveld Residential Care Center and PC Caritas) and Ann Heylighen, a research professor at KU Leuven, moderated by Robert-Jan de Kort (De Kort Van Schaik).
The exhibition is complemented by other resources available: the App eumiesaward that invites you to discover and visit the works closest to you (available free for Android and iOS), the archive (available on the web), and the catalog that you can find in the exhibition, in the best architecture bookstores or in shopmies